Potential of stabilized mud blocks as a sustainable material for building construction

2023-02-02 03:55:27 Viewed: 1653 Downloads: 581
  • Potential of stabilized mud blocks as a sustainable material for building construction

      Mohammad Arif Kamal

     Publisher: JCBE, Journal of Construction and Built Environment

    Pub: 2023-02-02 03:55:27

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  • : In India, burnt clay brick is the most used building material, which produces a significant amount of greenhouse gasses and destroys a huge amount of topsoil of agricultural land every year. Due to rapid urbanization, the demand for brick as filler material in buildings has been increasing exponentially. Conventional burnt brick puts tremendous pressure on the environment since the burning process results in the production of greenhouse gases. In recent time attention has been turned to sustainable and eco-friendly building materials. However, alternatives such as hollow concrete/fly ash blocks are available, which are costly as compared to burnt clay bricks. The Compressed Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB) gives the opportunity for natural, energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and agriculturalfriendly building materials for sustainable development. It does not produce any harmful gasses during production. It is an economic and environment-friendly substitute for conventional materials like brick and cement blocks. In developing countries, earth construction is economical and efficient means of low-rise housing construction, using very less resources. This paper examines the case of stabilized mud blocks as filler material and discusses the engineering viability and properties of such stabilized mud blocks in building construction. The paper concludes that stabilized mud blocks are a viable alternative to conventional bricks with more intangible benefits attached to them.

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  • Keywords

    Stabilized mud: Blocks: Sustainable building: Construction materials: Developing countries

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